Improv in Action
Improv is funny. But there’s so much more to it.
What is Improv in Action?
Also referred to as “Applied Improv,” Improv in Action uses the tools and philosophies of Improv Comedy to teach specific, non-performance concepts, to build trust in one’s self and in the group and to facilitate creative collaboration. Like Improv for Performance, there’s a lot of laughter. However, the goal is to learn and create within the group rather than produce a show.
Onsite and Online. Live Performances, Workshops and More.
Move Your Tale tailors our work for individual groups, creating age and goal appropriate experiences for each class or audience. Let us know how we can bring Improv to you!
Examples of Improv in Action
Collaboration with the Blank Stuttering Institute at UT Austin
Beginning in 2014, this partnership pairs the philosophy and practice of Improv with the Blank Institute’s work. Improv builds our ability to remain in the moment and to respond to what’s happening, rather than scanning ahead for a safer/funnier/smarter answer. This, and so many other factors make the partnership both natural and deeply rewarding. (Check back for a detailed account of our work with the Blank Institute.)
Improv for Critical Thinking
Designed for High School students, these workshops begin with standard Improv exercises that focus on flexible thinking and resilience. We apply these methods to understanding and evaluating narratives with an emphasis on listening and remaining open to change. We also laugh a lot…
Improv for Early Memory Loss Programs
Since 2015, MYT has worked with community based organizations to bring low pressure, engaging Improv workshops and performances to programs supporting individuals with Early Memory Loss. Designed to provide connection, support and laughter for both participants and supporting family members.
Improv for Educators & Leaders
Improv is like a treasure box of tools for anyone charged with leading a group. We promise both philosophical guidance and hands on tools for incorporating Improv techniques into your teaching and/or leadership. Most recently, MYT led workshops for AISD’s SEL and CP&I symposium. Check back for a detailed description of this program.